Mercer Dental Care

Call us: 028 9127 0634

At Mercer Dental Care we want to ensure that all our patients are pleased with their experience of our service. We take complaints very seriously indeed. If a patient makes a complaint, we will deal with the matter courteously and promptly so that is it is resolved as quickly as possible. Our procedure is based on these objectives.

Mercer Dental Care has an effective complaints system in place to ensure that identifying, receiving, recording, handling and response to any comments, observations or complaints occurs within a strict timetable which is clearly documented. The complaints system is clearly displayed and all patients and visitors are confident that they will be listened and responded to without fear of discrimination.

Any complainant can be assured that they will be treated in a manner respecting their human rights and diversity; in a sensitive manner and that the complaint can be made by a variety of methods either verbally, by sign language or in writing.

Where they lack confidence or require help they will be supported by helpful staff members. Their complaint will be fully documented and fairly dealt with and following investigation, lessons learned can lead to changes being made to avoid future complaints.

Code of Practice for Patients Who Wish to Make a Complaint

In this practice we place great emphasis on meeting and whenever possible, exceeding our patient’s expectations. We try to ensure that all patients are pleased with their experience of our service and we take any concerns a patient may have very seriously.

If you have a concern regarding any aspect of your care, please let us know. We will do all that we can to resolve your concern to your satisfaction both promptly and professionally. Our aim is to respond to patients’ concerns in a caring and sensitive way.

The person responsible for dealing with any concerns about the service we provide in this practice, is the Practice Service Coordinator, who is Janice Barr.

If a patient raises an issue they are unhappy about on the telephone or at the reception desk, after listening to a description of the problem, we will immediately contact Janice Barr, the Practice Service Coordinator. Should the designated person or other responsible person not be available at the time, the patient will be informed when they will be available and arrangements will be made for the two to meet or speak. The member of staff will take brief details of the concern and pass them to the Practice Service Coordinator.

If a patient writes to express their concern, the letter will be passed on to the relevant person immediately.

We will acknowledge any concerns raised in writing within three days. If a concern has been raised in writing, the written acknowledgement will also include a copy of this Code of Practice, again, normally within three working days. We will investigate the concern and report back within ten working days of it being received. If we are unable to complete our investigations within ten working days for any reason, we will notify the patient, giving reasons for the delay and the likely period within which the investigation will be completed.

We will confirm the outcome of the investigation and any decisions made in writing. Proper and comprehensive records are kept of any concerns or complaints received.

If patients are not satisfied with the result of our procedure then a complaint may be made to:

Dental Complaints Service – 37 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8DQ Telephone: 020 8253 0800

This procedure should be followed if you are complaining on behalf of someone else.

If this is a complaint regarding NHS dental treatment and patients are not happy with the practice response to the complaint, patients can contact the HSCB Complaints Officer at:

Health and Social Care Board, Complaints Office, 12-22 Linenhall Street, HSC Board Headquarters, Belfast BT2 8BS
Telephone: 028 9536 3893 Email: Website: Health and Social Care Board

If patients remain unhappy, they can refer their complaint to:

Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman – Progressive House, 33-37 Wellington Pl, Belfast BT1 6HN Telephone: 0800 343 424

NIPSO will look at the complaint and decide whether they should investigate it.

The rules of medical confidentiality will be adhered to if the complaint is received on behalf of someone else. A note signed by the person concerned will be required, unless they are incapable (e.g. because of illness) of providing this to allow the complaint to be investigated.

The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) is the independent body responsible for monitoring and inspecting the availability and quality of health and social care services in Northern Ireland and encouraging improvements in the quality of those services.

RQIA does not investigate complaints. However, through their regulatory activities, they have an important role in ensuring all regulated services have an effective complaints procedure, take complaints seriously and investigate complaints thoroughly in line with DHSSPS complaints guidelines.

The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority

James House, 2-4 Cromac Avenue, Gasworks, Belfast BT7 2JA Email: Telephone: 028 9536 1111 (9am – 5pm Mon to Fri)